Certification Books

  • All About Books
    A lifeguard explains their job, responsibilities, and the necessary certification and equipment.
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  • Tech Skills for Beginners Getting your dream tech job.
    Simple guide to getting a job in tech. Choosing your path.
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  • Mad to Glad
    Simple Mindfulness exercises to help your children cope with common negative emotions, explained in a fun interactive way!
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  • Athletic Trainer
    A brief introduction to the role of an athletic trainer, their education requirements, and certification process.
  • Butterfly Catchers
    Samuel and Sylvia catch a butterfly, but realize they should set her free. The butterfly promises to visit them every spring.
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  • Brace for Impact
    Imagine being aboard a jet airliner when, just moments after takeoff, you hear the captain say, "Brace for impact." Looking outside your window, you see the skyline of New Yo…
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  • 张瑞芬 Katherine Cheung
  • Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance EDMAN 214 Aila Jane B. Seniel
    A brief history of accreditation in the Philippines, including the establishment of accrediting agencies and the low participation rate of higher education institutions.
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