Champion Books

  • A Guide to Training Champions
    This book is about the first steps in training your dog to become a champion. It takes you through step-by-step of how to each chapter and has pictures to help you.
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  • Who's The Champion?
    A group of soccer players, including Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar, and Mbappe, meet and play soccer together, leading to Mbappe joining PSG.
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    Zach has a fear of water due to the mishap of his five-year-old accident.
    Can he become a champion swimmer?
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  • Champion Ella
    This book was a project I did for my Language Arts class. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think!
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  • The Two Soccer Champions .
    Ilias, a champion soccer player, meets Addison, who wants to improve her skills. They become friends and learn the importance of not being jealous.
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    Kieran, a boy who can fly and is a Nerf champion, fights aliens and a huge boss with the help of a talking and flying Nerf gun.
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  • The Champions
    This book is about a kid trying to fit into a football team and getting bad grades and getting in trouble and then gets good grades and startes not getting in trouble.And the…
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  • Pitch Perfect: A Soccer Saga
    Kasjan Jaworski's journey from a young player to a football star unfolds through triumphs and challenges, leading to a historic victory in the Champions League final.
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