Cheese Books

  • Macaroni & Cheese Please!
    A playful poem about a child's love for macaroni and cheese, with various food combinations suggested.
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  • The Mouse who Never ate Cheese
    Mindy's new house is in need of repairs, but she does not finish in time. So she needs to find a new home but whlie she is doing that she is scared that the cheese is no…
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  • Stinky Cheese
    Two sisters, Lily and Daisy, discover their differences and similarities, including a shared love for stinky cheese, while exploring their unique interests and bonds with the…
    Lilly loves cheese but learns to cut back after her tummy hurts. She tries new foods and is happy.
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  • smelly the cheese .
    Smelly the Cheese, known as the bully decliner, encounters a strong bully. Ten years later, they meet again and Smelly emerges victorious.
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  • Fritz and the Bad Cottage Cheese
    Fritz eats spoiled cottage cheese and learns about different methods of food preservation.
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  • Apple's Perfect Picnic
    This imaginative book uses relatable foods to send the message of inclusion while creating awareness and appreciation for all food groups.
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  • If you give a mouse some cheese
    A mouse asks for more mice to join him after being given cheese, leading to a series of events.
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