Chemical Processes Books

  • Animal Cell Compared To Everyday Things?
    An informative book about the different parts of a cell, their functions, and analogies to help understand them.
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  • Why leaves change their colour in autumn
    Explains the chemical processes behind the changing colors of autumn leaves and the role of different pigments.
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    Doctor Atomic was a hero to Baxter Jones, Nova City, and the rest of the world. But one day Doctor Atomic looked to have disappeared forever. Young Baxter soon finds out that…
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  • A Tour of Macromolecules
    Dr. Garfield takes readers on a tour of macromolecules, explaining lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and proteins, as well as important processes like dehydration synthes…
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  • Digestive System
    Martin the strawberry goes on an adventure through the digestive system, learning about its different parts and functions.
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  • Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis
    Two stories about photosynthesis and cellular respiration are told by Terry the Tree and Little Flower, respectively, explaining the processes in a simple and informative way.
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  • Photosynthesis and Respiration
    Billy, a young plant, learns about photosynthesis and cellular respiration from his uncle Bobby, exploring the processes and their differences.
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  • How Oxygen Bonds
    An informative text about the properties of oxygen and its role in chemical processes, including the Octet Rule and expanded octets.
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