Chemical Reactions Books

  • Chemical Reactions
    John learns about chemical reactions from his friend Ann, covering topics such as physical and chemical changes, endothermic and exothermic reactions, word equations, synthes…
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    An informative book explaining different types of chemical reactions, including synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement, combustion, exothermic, and …
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  • Chemical Reactions
    Mrs. Betty teaches her middle school chemistry class about the five chemical reactions, providing examples and explanations for each type.
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  • Learning about Chemical Reactions!
    Peter and his class learn about acids, bases, and chemical reactions through experiments and tie-dyeing shirts.
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  • Let's Test It: Chemical Reactions
    This is an informative book about the scientific method and chemical reactions. It guides children through two lab experiments: Acid and Bases Lab, and Tie Dye Lab.
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  • Chemistry Fairy Tales
    This book is about a princess and a t-shirt, and their experience with chemistry.
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  • Chemical Reactions
    Sid the Science Kid explains chemical reactions, types of reactions, catalysts, and their applications in a simple and engaging manner.
  • Chemistry for Kids
    An introduction to chemistry, covering topics such as atoms, subatomic particles, the periodic table, chemical reactions, and more.
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