Chipmunk Books

  • A Chipmunk's Adventures
    Chippie, a curious chipmunk, goes on adventures in search of food. He encounters various animals and enjoys nature's beauty.
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  • Chip & Bit's Fabulous Day
    Chip Chipmunk and Bit Rabbit embark on an adventure to Babbling Brook, meeting friends along the way. They play games, sing songs, and enjoy their day before returning home.
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  • Chipmunk makes new friends
    Chipmunk, a lonely dog, goes on a journey to find other dogs but realizes that friendship is not about being similar.
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  • Bringing Autumn to Life With 10 Inspirational Haiku Poems
    I wrote 10 Haiku Poems that are Autumn Themed. I worked really hard writing all those Haikus. Also, this is my first book on Story Jumper, so I'd LOVE some encouragement for …
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  • Chipmunks at Dawn
    This is a awesome book about a chipmunk and a lionAdd a description for this book...
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  • How the Chipmunk Got It's Stripes
    A chipmunk gets its stripes after a terrifying encounter with a black bear.
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  • How Day and Night Came
    Animals debate how to divide day and night. Chipmunk suggests using raccoon's tail rings. Bear attacks chipmunk, leaving stripes on chipmunks' backs.
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  • Gary the Rainbow Bird
    Gary the Rainbow Bird loves to fly and challenges various animals to contests. He wins each time until his belly gets too big and he falls, losing his colors.
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