Chloroplasts Books

  • Fred's Adventure Through the Cell
    Bob the king of cells takes Fred on an adventure to learn about different parts of a cell, including the cell wall, chloroplast, mitochondria, and more.
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  • Mitochondria and Chloroplasts
    Two friends use a time machine to travel to the past and help people in need.
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  • Mitochondria Vs. Chloroplast
    This book is about two organelles, Mito and Chloro, that are having a confrontation. They talk about there-selves and become good friends. They end up making the plant cell f…
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  • Yay! Photosynthesis
    An informative book about photosynthesis, explaining the process, factors affecting it, and its importance to all living beings.
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  • Cell City
    A description of the different parts of Cell City and their functions, inviting readers to visit.
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  • A day in the life of a chloroplast!
    Mr. C helps Mr. P understand how plants create energy through photosynthesis.
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  • Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis
    Two stories about photosynthesis and cellular respiration are told by Terry the Tree and Little Flower, respectively, explaining the processes in a simple and informative way.
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  • Photosynthesis
    An informative book explaining the process of photosynthesis, its importance, and its effects on the environment.
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