Chronological Books

  • The Civil War
    A chronological list of major battles and events during the American Civil War, including the beginning, key battles, and the end.
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  • U.S History Time-line
    A chronological list of important events in American history from 1215 to 1783.
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  • Steve Jobs
    This book provides a chronological account of Steve Jobs' life, from his childhood to his contributions and successes in the technology industry, and ultimately his death.
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  • Beyond the chronologicals eras By: Valery Núñez 9-10
    "Beyond chronological eras" is a story that explores how traditional games can transcend the ages, uniting people across generations and reminding us of the importance of sha…
  • U.S History
    A chronological list of historical events, documents, and principles in American history from Magna Carta to the end of the Civil War.
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  • The History Of Nintendo
    This book provides a chronological history of Nintendo's gaming consoles, from the NES to the Switch Lite.
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  • Godzilla king of the monsters
    Hi guys this will be a very cool book about Godzilla.
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  • Greek and Latin Root Words
    This educational book introduces Greek and Latin root words related to heat, well-being, and time, providing examples and explanations.
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