Circuits Books

  • Electricity
    A curious boy named Elliot learns about electricity and circuits in a science class, building circuits and understanding concepts like current, voltage, resistance, insulator…
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  • Circuit Breaker - Our Own Way
    A conflict between two brothers broke the silence in the house leading to a complication. Father came up with an idea which he called a circuit breaker to ease the tension i…
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  • Circuits
    An educational book about batteries, circuits, conductors, insulators, and electrical current. Includes explanations, examples, and a quiz.
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  • The Voyage to Africa
    A chicken, an elephant, and a gorilla stranded on an island build a boat to escape. They face challenges but eventually reach Africa.
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  • Electricity Around Us!
    An informative book about electrical circuits, batteries, conductors, insulators, and more. Includes questions to test understanding.
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  • Electricity
    An informational book about batteries, circuits, conductors, insulators, and electrical charge. Explains concepts with examples and diagrams.
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  • What is a circuit?
    This book is designed for HD Ningbo School Year Two students to learn about circuits.
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  • Introduction of circuits
    An introduction to electrical circuits, covering topics such as batteries, volts, currents, conductors, insulators, resistors, Ohm's law, and series/parallel circuits.
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