Cloning Books

    Gertie is mourning the loss of her beloved cat Hondo. She is ready to adopt a new cat when her father suggests they fly off to a super-expensive laboratory in the Caribbean. …
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  • House of the Scorpion
    A young clone named Matt lives in a future world ruled by a powerful drug lord. He navigates his complex relationships and discovers shocking truths about his existence.
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  • The House of the Scorpion
    Matt, a clone owned by El Patron, discovers his true identity and tries to escape. With the help of Celia and Tam Lin, he seeks freedom from being used for body parts.
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    Set in the year 2073, this story is about Isaac, a very smart kid who just happens to enjoy his own company. Isaac's Mom is a scientist who is working on a big project. Curio…
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    A personal introduction, discussion of hobbies, social media, cloning, a doctor's visit, pollution, favorite movie and music.
  • House of the Scorpian
    House of the Scorpion is a story about Matt, a clone who is treated as an animal. He hires a bodyguard and discovers his true identity.
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  • The Adventures of Super Joey 2
    Joey, aka Super Joey, battles his evil twin Reverse and their nemesis Doctor Clone to save the world from destruction.
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  • House of the Scorpion
    The story follows the lives of Matt, a clone, Maria, a human girl, Tam Lin, a bodyguard, and Celia, who takes care of Matt. It explores themes of identity, family, and power …
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