Closure Books

  • Heaven is for Real
    A little boy named Colten claims to have visited Heaven during surgery, leading his family to question their beliefs and find closure.
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    Ollie and Matilda have been making toys for 30 years. They own a popular toy shoppe in England. Soon a chain of big toy stores opens up and they can no longer compete. They a…
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  • The School Closure
    A child's experience of going to school during the pandemic, transitioning to online learning, and finding ways to stay connected with friends.
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    This book provides information about how Christmas is celebrated in India, including traditions, public holidays, and closures.
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  • What I Do During School Closure
    Jamie, a five-year-old, shares his daily routine during the school closure due to a virus outbreak. He talks about his morning circle, online lessons, playtime, meals, rest, …
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  • ocean way
    This book is all about the sea and water and a great cafe named after the sea this cafe is in a T.V show called mako mermiads.
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  • Adelyn's Notebook
    A child describes their enjoyable time spent with family during school closure due to the coronavirus threat.
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  • The Shadow Behind the Kidnapping
    Three friends investigate a mysterious shadow in the subway, leading to the discovery of their long-lost friend and a revelation about William's secret.
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