Cognitive Dissonance Books

  • A cute fox
    A fox tries to reach grapes hanging from a branch but fails. He then convinces himself that the grapes were sour and walks away.
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  • The Festival of Social Psychology
    Emmy, Max, and Enrique visit Dragon Land for a festival. They learn about cognitive dissonance, social facilitation, social identity theory, and more. They have fun and retur…
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  • Michael Scarn: a man with many faces
    Michael Scarn, a disturbed man with multiple personality disorders, finds stability and personal growth through his relationship with Holly Flaxx.
  • ABC's of Psychology
    An alphabetical journey through various psychological concepts and terms, providing brief explanations for each letter of the alphabet.
  • The Scarlet Letter
    The Scarlet Letter is a novel set in 17th-century Puritan Boston, exploring themes of sin, guilt, and redemption through the story of Hester Prynne, who is forced to wear a s…
  • 8 steps deep
    Sammy, Tay, Laura, and Cookie are best friends at T.P Elementary School. When a new student named Marie joins their class, Laura feels left out and changes her behavior. Even…
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