Collage Books

  • Different Kinds of Art
    This is a book about different kinds of two dimensional art. I used pieces of my own work as examples of two dimensional art work.
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  • Collage Days Pt#2
    A group of friends prepare for prom night, but encounter various obstacles along the way.
  • Collage of french revolution
    A brief overview of key events during the French Revolution, including the storming of the Bastille, the Women's March on Versailles, and the Reign of Terror.
  • Too Many Shoes
    This is a book about how to develop empathy for kids 6-10 in an engaging format
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  • The Story Of Terry Fox
    The story of Terry Fox, a Canadian athlete who overcame cancer and inspired millions with his Marathon of Hope.
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  • Carter's Cool Collage Experience
    A high school graduate's experiences in college, including pranks with a roommate, exploring campus, and spending spring break with friends.
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  • Culture Collage
    The narrator discusses the importance of various aspects of their life, including friends, family, food, education, music, clothes, architecture, religion, and language.
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  • How To Make A Collage
    Learn how to create collages with various materials and techniques, encouraging creativity and self-expression through fun and artistic processes.
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