College Basketball Books

  • Indianapolis Guide
    This book is a collaborative effort by three second-grade classes, providing an informative guide about Indianapolis. It covers various landmarks, institutions, and historica…
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    Daniel is a grown man who still can't thinking about the past. He honestly thought he was going to be a huge basketball star. But after an injury during high school, that dre…
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    This book tells the inspiring life story of Jackie Robinson, the first African American to play in Major League Baseball. From his challenging childhood to his groundbreaking…
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  • NBA Hoop Session
    A list of NBA players and their achievements, including scoring and assist leaders.
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    Sarah and her mom find a puppy at the park, but can't find its owner. They decide to keep it and Sarah is thrilled.
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  • Why the Duke Blue Devils will win the 2022 National Championship
    A persuasive article explaining why Duke has a strong chance of winning the NCAA championship, citing factors such as Coach K's final season, easy Final Four matchup, top NBA…
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  • Title: LeBron James and the Sunshine Game
    LeBron, a young boy with a passion for basketball, discovers a magical court in the woods that inspires him to chase his dreams and become a professional athlete.
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  • I Am Michael Jordan
    The biography of Michael Jordan, from his childhood to his successful basketball career and beyond.
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