Colonies Books

  • The American Revolution ABC Book
    A comprehensive overview of the American Revolution, including key events, figures, and its impact on the United States.
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  • The Original 13 Colonies
    A short description about the colonial regions of the New England Colonies, the Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies.
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  • Peter the Adventurous Penguin
    Peter the Penguin dreams of adventure beyond Antarctica. He meets a wise seal and playful dolphins, finds a magical Ice Crystal, and returns home a hero, inspiring his colony…
  • The Roanoke Colony
    The Roanoke Colony, established by England in the late 16th century, mysteriously disappeared. Various theories suggest Native American attacks or integration with tribes.
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  • The Southern Colonies
    An informational book about the Southern colonies, including their founding, economy, government, and use of slaves.
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  • The Lost Colony
    John White and other Englishmen sailed to Roanoke in 1585. They built shelter, but couldn't grow crops. John went back to England, returned after the war, but found no one on…
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  • The Thirteen Colonies
    A brief overview of the thirteen colonies, their characteristics, social life, religion, education, and interdependence.
  • Southern Colonies
    A brief overview of the Southern Colonies, their founding, economy, and the introduction of slavery.
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