Combination Books

  • Macaroni & Cheese Please!
    A playful poem about a child's love for macaroni and cheese, with various food combinations suggested.
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  • 15  Main Vowel Sounds
    This is a phonics lesson teaching the sounds of different letters and letter combinations.
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  • Mixing Primary Colors
    An informative book that introduces primary colors, their combinations, and resulting secondary colors.
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  • Getting to Know Cancer
    This book explains what cancer is, how it spreads, and how it can be treated. It also provides tips to reduce the risk of cancer and support someone with cancer.
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  • The Land of Oo: Long U Vowels
    In the Land of Oo, a young girl and boy search for missing letter combinations that make the town function. They find them and save the day.
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  • The moon phenomenon
    Mari and Sugaar, two Gods in love, create storms with the power of their love. A baby is born from a daisy due to a combination of the blue moon and the storm.
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  • Expanding Binomials
    This book explains what a binomial is, provides examples, and teaches how to expand and simplify binomials using Pascal's triangle and combination.
  • The Short Vowels
    A book introducing short vowel sounds through words and pictures, with a cautionary note on pronunciation. Includes examples for each vowel sound.
    Eye Icon 378
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