Comic Books

  • FNAF:The comic series,Night 1
    If everybody likes the game of it, why not a comic version of it?
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  • The New Superhero
    Peter and Jake are best friends who love reading comic books. When a new student, Alex, arrives at school, Jake starts spending more time with him, leaving Peter feeling left…
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  • Comics
    Raccolta di fumetti creata dagli alunni della classe 4E della scuola primaria I.C. King-Mila di Torino.
    Un modo divertente per sperimentare il computing, usare la fantasi…
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  • captain underpants the siege of pants
    George and Harold, the creators of Captain Underpants, share a comic about his origin and an adventure against Prof Poopy Pants. They defeat him easily in the end.
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    Paloma Reyes is a young girl who loves comic books and superheroes.Unfortunately her older brother never lets her join in when he's playing with his friends. But due to some …
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  • Why are Comics Important?
    This informative text discusses the benefits of reading graphic novels, including improved literacy, cultural understanding, and engagement for all types of readers.
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  • Bread: An Epic Food Battle
    a kind of old comic book I made up as I went- the end is a little weird, but I'm proud of it anyway :P
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  • Financial Literacy Comic
    Budget-Man, a superhero, helps people balance their budget by giving them advice on saving, spending wisely, and avoiding bankruptcy.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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