Concert Tour Books

  • Taylor Swift-- The Eras Tour
    Here's everything you need to know about the Eras Tour by pop icon Taylor Swift.
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  • Michael Jackson History
    A brief biography of Michael Jackson, from his childhood to his rise as the King of Pop and his untimely death.
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  • Sioux Falls , A Great City
    Learn a little bit about Sioux Falls interesting history through its unique buildings. Written & illustrated by Jason Folkerts
    Karl Kim is desperate to get his daughter tickets to see her favourite pop star. But the concert quickly sells out. Karl is given a second chance to win tickets. But he and a…
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  • Donald's Summer Adventures In MONTREAL
    A poetic journey through Montreal, exploring its landmarks, culture, and activities during the summer. The story is filled with vivid descriptions and rhymes, capturing the e…
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  • The Making Of A Star
    Book about a girl who is wanting to be a famous singer but she knows it can't happen. Until she gets a phone call...
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    The Cabbage Rolling Stones have been called "The World's Greatest Polka Band." The group's meteoric rise brought them fame and fortune. It also brought them a lot of problems…
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  • The Taylor Swift Story
    A brief overview of Taylor Swift's career, music, and tours, highlighting her impact and success.
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