Connecticut Books

  • The History of Warren
    the history of Warren, CT. Fourth grade students of Mrs. Woodington's class created this StoryJumper rich with information!
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  • CT Symbols
    The state of Connecticut's symbols. The fourth grade students of Warren School created this book using information researched in resource books and on the Internet. They en…
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  • Connecticut
    An informational book about the state of Connecticut, covering its geography, symbols, famous people, natural resources, industries, attractions, map, and interesting facts.
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  • Trip Around the Counties
    Russell and his dog Dug go on an adventure around Connecticut, collecting rocks and soils for Russell's Boy Scouts badge.
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  • Colony of Connecticut
    A brief overview of the founding and characteristics of the colony of Connecticut, including its religious and political motivations, settlers, religion, government, geograph…
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  • Helen Keller
    The biography of Helen Keller, a deaf and blind woman who overcame adversity to become an educator, activist, and journalist.
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  • My Mom And I
    A heartwarming story about a child's close relationship with their animal-loving mom, their adventures, hobbies, and the strong bond they share.
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  • Martin Luther King Jr.
    This book tells the life story of Martin Luther King Jr., a prominent civil rights activist in American history, from his childhood to his assassination.
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