Consolidation Books

  • Planes
    This story provides a list of missing Airbus planes and some information about the history and consolidation of Airbus. It ends with a mention of the last Beluga XL plane.
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  • The Lost Ball
    Fred the dog and Frankie the cat have a falling out when Fred loses Frankie's toy. They resolve their conflict through communication and cooperation.
  • The Romanian Dreams
    The story explores why Romanians elected a foreign-born prince in 1866 and their hopes for the country, focusing on Prince Carol I's achievements.
  • The Humanitarian Adventures of Tina, Robert, and Mark
    Three colleagues travel to different time periods to study humanity's development, encountering dictatorship, political discussions, and revolution.
  • The Rock Cycle!!
    Abby, an igneous rock, explains her life cycle from being magma to sedimentary rock and eventually melting back into magma.
  • Ideal Classroom Environment
    This story discusses the elements of an ideal classroom environment that promotes growth mindset, collaboration, problem-solving, differentiation, and inclusivity.
  • World Religions
    This is an informative text about the origins, beliefs, and holy writings of six major religions: Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Confucianism. It inclu…
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  • Math is a game
    A collection of math-related games and activities for children, including addition and subtraction games, sensory play with pasta, symmetry learning, number identification, a…
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