Consumer Rights Books

  • The Rainforest
    A comprehensive guide to the rainforest ecosystem, including its components, food chains, threats, and ways to help. Includes a glossary and works cited.
  • Chapter 5
    This book discusses the consumer movement and the rights of consumers in the marketplace. It highlights the need for rules and regulations to protect consumers from unfair pr…
  • Eleanor Roosevelt
    This is a detailed biography of Eleanor Roosevelt, covering her early life, marriage to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, her role as First Lady, and her work for human rights. It h…
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    This book discusses consumer rights and the consumer movement in India. It covers topics such as exploitation in the marketplace, the role of government in protecting consume…
  • An Extra Serving Of
    Briella, a student at school, wants to be the line leader but is never chosen. With her sister's advice, she learns that being a leader is about taking action and doing the r…
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  • My First Book
    This book provides information about consumer protection, including its meaning, need, rights and responsibilities of consumers, the Consumer Protection Act, and the role of …
  • Industrial Revolution
    A historical overview of the consequences, social changes, political changes, and economic changes during the Progressive Era in the United States.
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  • My Pack Adventures
    A pack of silver wolves faces danger from hunters and must find a new home. They encounter challenges along the way but eventually find a suitable habitat.
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