Cosmos Books

  • Creatures of the Multiverse
    "Creatures of the Multiverse" is a delightful children's book that takes young readers on an intergalactic adventure. Join curious creatures from a distant world as they expl…
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    Jesse Azaria is a kid who really loves to chew gum. Pink bubblegum is his favorite and he chews it all the time. After getting busted by his teacher for chewing gum in class,…
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  • My Practice Book
    Stella, a young star in the galaxy Galaxia, embarks on a cosmic journey to explore the wonders of the universe and discovers her true purpose.
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    Space dog Luna wants to return home but is stopped by a mad scientist. Mascots help Luna by finding a magic potion on the moon. They gather ingredients from different schools…
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  • The Cosmo Club
    Here are 15 out-of-this-world facts about outer space! Enjoy!
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  • Cosmos
    Cosmo is' a story of a boy named Danny who explore the galaxy
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  • Cosmo's Change
    Cosmo, an alien, fails his driver's test but learns the importance of studying and being responsible. He passes on his second attempt.
  • (The cosmos)
    A lonely boy on planet Kenos befriends a girl named Ara and falls in love with her. He embarks on a dangerous journey to find a star for her, only to discover she never exist…
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