Country Life Books

  • Country Bumpkins
    The life on Red Rock Road was filled with endless excitement for all the families who lived there. The stories from days gone by are still fresh in the minds of us all. We we…
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  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
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  • Country life and city life
    Hoa and Na discuss their weekend in the countryside and the changes happening there.
  • Country vs. City Life
    Moana and Vaneloppe, two girls from different places, wish for each other's lives. A witch grants their wishes, but they soon realize the grass isn't always greener on the ot…
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  • An Aesop's Fable
    A country mouse invites his city cousin to visit him. The city mouse is disappointed with the sparse meal and invites the country mouse to the city for a feast. However, they…
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  • Unit 8 : Country life and city life
    The narrator writes a letter to a friend describing their neighborhood, including their house, the view from their window, the distance to school, transportation, facilities,…
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  • English 8- Unit 8- Lesson 1
    A short text comparing city life and country life, discussing their characteristics and asking the reader's preference.
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  • The Green Sea Turtle
    This book provides information about the life cycle, habitat, diet, and conservation of green sea turtles.
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