Cowgirl Books

  • Cowgirl Counting
    A fun and educational story about counting farm animals and objects, with a clear beginning, middle, and end.
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  • Cowgirl Hill & Cowboy Jayden
    Cowboy Jayden and Cowgirl Hill have an adventurous day on the ranch, rescuing escaped bulls and enjoying time with their horses.
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  • The Sad Cowgirl
    Sally, a sad cowgirl, loses her hat and encounters a ninja, an armadillo, and a talking rock on her search. She finds her hat and gains happiness.
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  • Kendall the Cowgirl
    Kendall the Cowgirl is the story of a friendship between a Virginia teen and her beautiful horse, Buck! The two are the best of friends and their strong bond shines through i…
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  • The Princess Cowgirl
    In this book you will learn a lot of important lessons, while in joying the book. Hope you like it.
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  • Valentina and Ronnie Joe at the Rodeo
    Valentina, a cowgirl from Oklahoma, and her horse Ronnie Joe face a setback during a competition but learn the importance of teamwork and perseverance.
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  • Just Alexa
    Alexa tries different costumes to make her new baby sister Emma happy, but realizes that being herself is what makes Emma smile.
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  • The Sad Cowgirl
    A sad young cowgirl, loses her hat and encounters a cowboy on her search. She finds her hat and gains happiness.
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