Craft Books

  • My Art and Craft Club
    It's a story about the girls who has got passion for the art, craft and teamwork.
    Eye Icon 115
    Star Icon 13
  • The Love That Never Ends
    This book is about an amazing superhero who is now an angel in brother, Benjamin.
    Eye Icon 1735
    Star Icon 195
  • Minecraft
    A child describes their love for playing Minecraft, including building, playing on servers, using commands, taming dogs, crafting, using mods, and fishing.
    Eye Icon 19879
    Star Icon 415
  • Doodle & Blue #7
    A family cooks together, has a picnic, and then goes on a surprise trip to see snow at their grandmother's house.
  • Minecraft
    A beginner's guide to playing Minecraft, including building houses, crafting tools, and understanding game modes.
    Eye Icon 4664
    Star Icon 317
  • The best craft channels
    A 10-year-old discusses two YouTube channels that inspire her to create art and crafts. She shares her experiences and admiration for the creators.
    Eye Icon 26
    Star Icon 6
  • How to Play Minecraft
    An introduction to the game Minecraft, including gameplay mechanics, monsters, weapons, armor, skins, minerals, crafting, and mods.
    Eye Icon 4967
    Star Icon 210
  • Minecraft
    A guide to playing Minecraft, including crafting, mining, and building a house.
    Eye Icon 5444
    Star Icon 185
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