Cross-curricular Books

  • Social Studies Guide For Beginners
    Ms. Moretti, a Grade 4 teacher, is excited to teach Social Studies and incorporates various teaching methods and cross-curricular activities to engage her students.
  • Considerations for Choosing Children's Books
    This text provides guidelines for selecting and using children's literature in an educational setting, emphasizing diversity, developmentally appropriate content, cross-curri…
    Crosscurricular Project for a 1ºESO Bilingual Group about Inventors along History who changed the world
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  • Strategies for ALL Learners
    Ms. Weiss, a new special education teacher, learns valuable strategies from her colleagues to support all students, including using graphic organizers, vocabulary development…
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  • The Goodest Dog Ever
    The Goodest Dog Ever is a heartwarming story of the Garcia family’s beloved bichon frise, Kobe, who brought joy, love, and loyalty to their lives for 13 unforgettable years. …
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  • Jorgito Narrates Pelé, King of Soccer
    Jorgito, a young boy who stutters and struggles with reading, overcomes his challenges with the help of his friends and becomes a confident narrator in a Reader's Theater per…
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  • Ratafluency
    Remy, a rat in Paris, wants to be a baker and fluent in English. He learns English through baking layers of skills: accuracy, automaticity, prosody, and comprehension.
  • Fluency in Practice Visual Aid 4 The Little Girl Who
    A little girl learns to read and overcome her fear of starting school in America with the help of her Papa.
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