Cultural Books

  • An Adventure of Wounaan Children and Many Birds
    The story is about Wounaan children, Chibau and K'õsi, who learn about their culture, traditions, and the importance of nature through various experiences. They interact with…
  • Taylor and the Magic Potion
    A princess who has been kept within the palace walls needed to go on an adventure in order to help heal her grandmother.
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    This book is a collection of games from different countries, including Slovenia, Spain, Poland, Italy, Romania, Turkey, and Greece. Each game has its own rules and objectives…
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  • Cultural Holidays
    A brief overview of how different cultures celebrate holidays throughout the year, from New Year's to Thanksgiving.
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  • The Journey of Gold
    A young boy in Cairo receives gold from Mansa Musa, but it is stolen by a thief. The thief is caught and the boy lives happily ever after.
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  • The ABC's of Mariachi Music!
    An alphabetical journey through the world of mariachi music, exploring its instruments, songs, and cultural significance.
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  • The History Of Minecraft
    A detailed history of the popular game Minecraft, from its humble beginnings to its massive cultural impact and future prospects.
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    A Guatemalan child shares about important traditions and holidays in their culture, including New Year's Eve, Day of the Virgen of Candelaria, Day of Drinking Water, Dia De S…
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