Cv Books

  • The Powerful Germ
    "The Powerful Germ" is a book that teaches children how to protect themselves against germs. In this book, CV the germ gives children a brief insight into germs and how to pr…
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  • How to write a good CV? - a common Polish - Italian guide.
    This book provides information on what a CV is, how long it should be, what to include and not include, how to write a good CV, CV format, and examples of CVs.
    Ali, a student, participates in a career workshop project and attends webinars to prepare for his future job. He learns about planning a career, digital transformation, body …
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  • The lamborgini
    A description of different cars, including an F1 racing car, a 2cv4 automobile, and a Lamborghini. The author also mentions the value and comfort of vintage cars.
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  • The story is about the author's journey in a mentoring and classpoint program, including application process, virtual meetings, training, and self-reflection.
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  • I was lost ( A true story)
    A child gets lost and encounters a stranger who helps them find their parents. They learn the importance of staying with their parents.
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  • all about hyper cars
    A list of luxury car brands and their features, including speed, horsepower, and origin.
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  • The Mall Crisis
    Alex and his mom go to the mall, but they get separated. Alex seeks help from a security guard to find his mom.
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