Cybercrime Books

  • Social Media Safety
    A list of do's and don'ts for staying safe on social media, including tips on privacy, password security, and online interactions.
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    A short educational story about cybercrime and computer viruses, with a brief explanation and examples.
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  • The Invisible Threat: Navigating Cybercrimes, Malware, and Cyber Safety
    Rahul, a teenager, becomes a victim of cybercrimes and malware. He educates himself and others about online safety, helping to decrease cybercrimes.
  • My Exhibition's Exciting Journey
    A student describes their journey preparing for an exhibition on cybercrime, including research, scriptwriting, and recording a skit.
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  • Disadvantages of the Internet
    This book discusses the dangers and drawbacks of the Internet, including addiction, depression, lack of safety for children, cybercrime, and unnecessary purchases.
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  • InternetSecurity
    A cautionary tale about cybercrime, including cyberbullying, hacking, and ransomware attacks, with tips on how to protect oneself online.
  • Ethics & Cybersecurity Story Book
    A collection of pledges and information about online safety, cyberbullying, cybersecurity, cybercrime, and cyberwarfare.
  • Ethics & Cybersecurity
    A collection of tips and information about cyberbullying, gaming safely, online safety for teens, sexting prevention, cybersecurity, and cybercrimes.
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