Dalton Books

  • Desiree and Dalton The Dinosaur Zookeepers
    Desiree and Dalton, zookeepers at a dinosaur park, teach about herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores through feeding time. The story ends with a quiz.
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  • John dalton
    This is a biography of John Dalton, an English chemist and physicist known for his contributions to atomic theory and meteorology.
  • Gambill Archaeology
    Gambill Archaeology showcases the best artifacts found by members of the Gambill family. Its author, Adam Gambill, is a history instructor at Three Rivers College in poplar b…
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  • Reading To Rover
    A group of therapy dogs and children bond over reading, sharing poems, and discussing their favorite books.
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  • History of the Atom: Atomic Structure
    This book provides a brief overview of the major contributors to atomic theory and their experiments, highlighting their theories and the problems with each model.
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