Dark Fantasy Books

  • Call of the Forest: Dark Vision series- Book 1
    What will happen when an unforeseen prophecy gets told? A young wolf named Nexis must find an ancient Artifact and save New Moon Woodlands from a terrible fate! This is the 1…
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  • Lost in the Never Woods
    Lost in the Never Woods is a dark Peter Pan retelling. Wendy, haunted by her missing brothers, encounters Peter Pan and must confront the mysteries of the woods.
  • Five Nights At Freddy's #1
    Mike Schmidt is a very poor teen that is looking eagerly for a job, any application suitable that pays lots of money and works for him. Luckily, for him he finds a job at a f…
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  • Superhero Fairy Tales/ Fairy Heroes
    A discussion on the differences between fairy tale movies and superhero movies, including their storytelling styles, target audiences, and creative limitations.
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  • Cleopatra and the Magic Flute 2
    Cleopatra returns the Land of Fairytales with her magic flute, but something goes wrong. Will she ever be able to return home, and if she does, will she ever be able to go b…
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  • The Pirates Adventure
    Pirates Adventure is a great book. It has a pirate team that has to get their pot of gold back from the Evil Dark Witch! Help them by reading this book and looking forward to…
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  • The king Arthur
    The story of King Arthur, his rise to power, his battles against the Saxons, and his eventual downfall and mysterious disappearance.
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  • The Most Fascinating Author: J.K. Rowling
    This is a detailed biography of J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series. It covers her early life, struggles, and eventual success as an author.
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