Death Books

  • Diary Of A Minecraft Creeper
    This is a diary of Jake Creep, a creeper attending Monster School. The story follows his daily life, interactions with classmates, and adventures in the Minecraft world. Trag…
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  • Who was Michael Jackson?
    This is a biography of Michael Jackson, from his childhood to his rise as a pop icon and his untimely death. It highlights his musical achievements and impact on the music in…
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  • The Black Death
    A historical account of the Black Death, its impact on society, and attempts to combat it.
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  • Death's Great Secret
    A spiritual look at death for kids. A non scary way to see what really happens after death. To learn that it is not sad and should be a happy time.
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  • Goodbye Apollo
    The purpose of this book is to comfort children during the five stages of grief. The target age group for the book is preschoolers however it can be enjoyed by all audiences.…
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  • The Black Death!!
    The story provides an overview of the Black Death, its origins, spread, symptoms, and impact on society, ending with a note about the Renaissance.
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  • Debeaked
    This story compares growing up on a turkey farm and later being a school principal. It's a good reminder about how we should treat others.
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    A poor woodcutter's children, Max and Stephie, are mistreated by their stepmother Birtha. She plans to abandon them in the Redwoods, but they find their way home with the hel…
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