Deceased Books

  • Dia de los Muertos
    Dia de los Muertos, also known as 'The Day of the Dead,' is a Latin American tradition celebrated on November 1st. It honors the deceased with food, altars, and parties.
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  • Noah's Inventory
    Noah, the son of a deceased inventor, moves to a cabin with his widowed mother. Despite financial constraints and bullying at school, Noah uses his creativity and resourceful…
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  • book of my cats
    A story about the author's cats, their personalities, and a tribute to a deceased cat named Cheeze-it.
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  • Grierson's Raid April 1863
    Reflection of the Southern Claims Commission Petition of Malinda Noblen nee Price in 1872 for losses incurred during the Grierson Raid of April 1863. Placed into context of t…
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  • Scary Stories
    Chris Afton, a deceased child, shares his nightmares and attempts to get rid of them using candlelight.
    This book was written by an 8th Grader and takes place in a middle school. It is about An 8th Grader’s dream of becoming a dictator, his short lived success, and his subsequ…
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  • Qui est Pooter Perker?
    There is an old saying: With great power comes great responsibility. This book is about who Pooter Perker is and what his deceased grandpa told him 2 years ago. So keep rea…
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  • Day Of The Dead
    The Day of the Dead, celebrated in Mexico, is a colorful holiday where people honor their deceased loved ones with altars and sugar skulls.
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