Defeated Books

  • Penny Ninjas and The Magic Coin
    Penny Ninjas is a story about two brothers and their mom who defeated a coin stealing villain - Captain No Save and returned their town to a place of saving coins in peace.
  • The Tiger Who Lost His Roar
    You may not realize the value of something until you have lost it.
    Eye Icon 31745
    Star Icon 554
  • The Legend of the Sea
    The story of a young mermaid's quest to reunite with a handsome Viking prince after saving his life one night during a violent storm. A magical tale of love, sacrifice and ad…
    Eye Icon 3044
    Star Icon 261
  • The Lost Pokemon
    Ash, Misty, and Brock encounter Team Rocket in the woods. They battle with their Pokemon and face various challenges before reuniting with their trainers.
    Eye Icon 21796
    Star Icon 328
  • The Monster
    A monster kidnaps the king, but the villagers and royal guard manage to rescue him. The monster is defeated and everyone is happy.
    Eye Icon 429
    Star Icon 35
  • The Pretty Duckling
    In a faraway land, a duckling hatches and grows up to be beautiful but arrogant. After experiencing rejection, she learns a lesson about bullying.
    Eye Icon 11639
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  • Minecraft Mutants
    A mutant snow golem goes wild and attacks, but is defeated by the protagonist. The story ends with a cliffhanger.
    Eye Icon 1094
    Star Icon 70
  • Rosemary and the Four Gutsy Gnomes
    Read book about Rosemary and the gutsy gnomes to defeated the monster that attacked the kingdom of Renosia.
    Eye Icon 3282
    Star Icon 4
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