Demand Books

  • Supply and Demand
    Josie and Jamie learn about supply and demand, pricing, budgeting, and the black market while searching for a pumpkin.
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  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
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  • The Life of Grumpy Cat
    Grumpy Cat's day with three kids takes unexpected turns, including Grumpy Cat talking and making demands.
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  • Savannah Supply & Dana Demand
    Savannah and Dana go shopping in the city but face challenges finding the right products. They learn about business functions and problem-solving.
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  • Supply and Demand
    A lemonade stand sells out quickly on a hot day, demonstrating the concept of supply and demand.
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  • My Name is Jax
    To my sweet son with autism: I will be your voice until you find yours.
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    Betty, a rabbit in Sky Land, learns the importance of not making impossible demands and being respectful towards others.
  • Dave's Lemonade Stand
    Dave's Lemonade is a story about supply and demand, as seen through Dave's struggle and success in selling lemonade.
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