Desegregation Books

  • Rosa Parks
    The story of the Montgomery bus boycott, sparked by Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her seat, and its impact on desegregation.
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  • The Desegregation of Baseball
    James, a young boy in Alabama, learns about racial discrimination through Jackie Robinson and becomes his fan.
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  • We've Grown
    A brief overview of key events in the Civil Rights Movement, highlighting the progress made in desegregation, voting rights, and housing discrimination.
  • Brave Hearts
    A historical account of key figures and events in the Civil Rights Movement, highlighting their bravery and impact on desegregation and equality.
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    Ruby Bridges, a Civil Rights activist, was the first African American child to desegregate an all-white school in New Orleans. Despite facing numerous struggles, she paved th…
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  • The Civil Rights Movement
    A brief overview of the Civil Rights Movement, highlighting key figures, events, and protests.
  • Honoring the Power of Children: Ruby Bridges
    The inspiring true story of Ruby Bridges, the first African-American child to attend an all-white school in 1960. Despite facing opposition and discrimination, Ruby's bravery…
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  • Ruby Bridges
    The story of Ruby Bridges, a young girl who fought for racial equality and desegregation in schools.
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