Desserts Books

  • The Unknown Dessert
    A child is transported to a desert world through a portal in a bird's mouth. They befriend creatures and battle monsters before finding a way back home.
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  • Thanksgiving With My Family
    Many of the holidays throughout the year bring out the very best in each and every one of us. For one day love can be so powerful that we smile until we all meet again. Smile
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  • The Big Bake Off
    When Mayor Cherry is in need of a birthday cake, two bakers have to battle it out for the title of Best Baker in Fruity Ville and the honor of baking the mayor's birthday tre…
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  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • Sweets For Sweeties
    A collection of dessert recipes with ingredients and procedures listed. The story also includes a brief introduction about the author.
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  • MasterChef - Dwarfs edition
    A collection of recipes for various dishes, including chocolate salami, meatballs, apple pie, and more.
    I create my own books but am also officially published with a Daniel Tiger BOOK, WHICH I ADAPTED.
  • E-book
    A collection of recipes for a variety of dishes, including chocolate cookies, pasta with chicken, yogurt and raspberry ice cream, sandwiches, spaghetti with chicken, strawber…
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