Determination Books

  • The Three Nails
    The story of a nail that refuses to be hammered down. A tale of determination and perseverance against incredible odds.
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  • Pippy and the Stereotype
    Pippy, a tomboy, faces challenges when she wants to join the school baseball team. With determination and support from her friends, she proves that girls can play baseball to…
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  • I Know I Can!
    Peyton is a well-trained, award winning therapy dog. She wasn't always so trained however. It took patience and practice. Great book to teach kids to not get frustrated and p…
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    Frisk, a human with a red soul of determination, helps monsters leave the underground and lives with Toriel. They learn about different soul traits and their meanings.
  • The Adventures of the Pugingtons! Precious the Pugerina
    Precious is ready for a brand-new adventure. Precious is intrigued by an invitation about tranforming creatures into exquisite ballerinas in one week! She is determined to ma…
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  • Pokemon Adventures,book 1
    Three Pokemon friends, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Charmander, embark on a journey to become stronger. They encounter a trainer who captures Charmander, leading to their determi…
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  • Beating The Odds
    Chloe, a strong and determined girl, overcomes her nerves and wrestles boys in the state championship, winning first place and becoming an inspiration for girls.
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    Zach has a fear of water due to the mishap of his five-year-old accident.
    Can he become a champion swimmer?
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