Dictionary Books

  • Jason Solves a Puzzle!
    Jason doesn't understand what his father said and works hard to understand why. He uses his math and reading skills to discover clues and solve his puzzle without having to a…
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  • PEACE ISLAND (Etwinning Project)
    A multi-lingual dictionary and collection of poems, stories, and activities about Peace Island, a fictional place where different countries come together in harmony.
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    A collection of definitions related to fashion and clothing, with a focus on fast fashion and its impact on the environment.
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  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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    The story is about a group of students from different countries who work together to create a digital dictionary. They learn about various digital terms and play games relate…
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  • Dictionary
    A multilingual conversation between children from different European countries, introducing themselves and exchanging greetings.
  • My Dictionary
    A collection of short passages covering various topics such as sports, countries, body parts, school subjects, and more.
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