Differentiated Instruction Books

    A guide for teachers and parents on differentiated instruction, assessment, and classroom management strategies.
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  • Will Wants to Learn Again!
    Mr. Smith, a teacher, realizes his traditional teaching methods aren't engaging his students. He learns about differentiated instruction and successfully implements it, impro…
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  • Amanda's Growth Portfolio
    This book is a comprehensive guide for teachers, discussing various teaching strategies such as the Learning Continuum, Differentiated Instruction, Inquiry Based Learning, Pr…
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  • Differentiated Instruction
    This story provides information about the user policies of various educational networking sites like Twitter, Edmodo, Prezi, and LinkedIn.
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  • Differentiated Instruction for Young Learners
    The story is a conversation between two educators discussing the importance of differentiated instruction for young learners. It includes resources, tips, and strategies for …
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  • The Differentiating Diva
    Ms. Diva, a teacher, helps Ben, a student who struggles with attention, by using differentiated instruction and engaging activities.
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  • The Tomato
    Emma, a student in Miss Blake's class, struggles to make her tomato plant grow. With perseverance and support, she learns that every learner has unique needs.
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  • Comprehensive Literacy Assignment: Guided Reading
    A guide to differentiated instruction and guided reading, emphasizing the importance of diversity and inclusion in the classroom.
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