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Rayna and Ariel go on a mission to save lost earrings from a thief. With their mom's help, they succeed and return the earrings to the museum.
by Rayna Brady
Jay and Melissa are friends who like going on adventures. On this one, they are going to explore Rainbow Mountain.
by Paula Thomas
A man living in a cave discovers fire and learns to use it in various ways, marking the beginning of a new era.

Sylvia, an 8-year-old girl, copes with the loss of her firefighter dad on 9/11 and her struggles to make friends at a new school. She finds solace in a stray kitten, Nacho Ca…

The story of Isaac Newton's life, education, and scientific achievements, including his discoveries in mathematics and physics.
by infa100to4ka

Donald questions various beliefs and comes to the conclusion that if he can't see, touch, or feel something, it must not exist.
by Isaac Noren

The story of Isaac Newton, his inventions, discoveries, and contributions to science.

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