Discovery Books

  • The Discovery
    Rayna and Ariel go on a mission to save lost earrings from a thief. With their mom's help, they succeed and return the earrings to the museum.
    Eye Icon 2765
    Star Icon 145
  • A Life Cycle Adventure
    This story is about a little caterpillar's journey to discover what it is and what it does. Join us to find out about the butterfly life cycle and to meet some other mini-bea…
    Eye Icon 62294
    Star Icon 1063
  • My Adventure
    Best for growing readers. The plot is nicely segregated into different sections based on the characters next move. Creates curiosity in readers mind and very entertaining.
    Eye Icon 772
    Star Icon 71
  • GOLD-fish
    Join me on this short but pleasant story to find out what "GOLDfish" really means?
    Eye Icon 10556
    Star Icon 183
  • A Mouse On The Moon
    Marvin, a lonely mouse, dreams of tasting the moon, so he builds a rocket with his friend Dolly the deer and discovers the truth about the moon.
    Eye Icon 363
    Star Icon 41
  • Fnaf
    Here's the story of from fnaf 1 to fnaf 3.
    Eye Icon 10148
    Star Icon 293
  • Melissa and Jay's Great Discovery
    Jay and Melissa are friends who like going on adventures. On this one, they are going to explore Rainbow Mountain.
    Eye Icon 55
    Star Icon 3
  • Doodle & Blue's Adventure
    Snickerdoodle and Little Boy Blue embark on an adventure in the woods. They leave their bikes to hike, find animal tracks, have lunch, discover a clearing with a log pulpit, …
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