Disturbing Books

  • Diary Of A Wimpy Kid HARD LUCK
    Greg's best friend, Rowley, gets a girlfriend and Greg feels left out. He befriends Fregly but they have a falling out. Greg helps Rowley after his breakup and they become fr…
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  • The disturbing class
    This book is filled with fun
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  • D-Day Doom...
    A former soldier William visits his old friends grave, causing him to remember the disturbing details of the war...
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  • STOP!!!
    Kay attends her friend Trina's birthday party and encounters a disturbing situation with Trina's uncle. She struggles to cope with the aftermath and confides in her mother.
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  • Mary the lamb and the singing frogs
    Mary helps solve a noise problem between ducks and frogs by leading them to a wheat field with a scarecrow. The birds are scared away, and peace is restored.
  • Dead Man's Hike
    A girl with amnesia recalls a hiking trip to a mysterious house where she and her friend encounter a disturbing man.
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  • The Gingerbread Man
    A little old woman bakes a gingerbread boy who comes to life and runs away from everyone, but eventually gets eaten by a fox.
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  • Superhero Fairy Tales/ Fairy Heroes
    A discussion on the differences between fairy tale movies and superhero movies, including their storytelling styles, target audiences, and creative limitations.
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