Diver Books

    This book has a very important and good story about a scuba diver that meets a whale shark and they learn a valuable
    lesson about friendship (New exclusive front cover a…
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  • diver's guide to europe
    A travel diary of Ian's scuba diving adventures in Spain, Italy, Greece, Norway, and Iceland, exploring marine life and shipwrecks.
  • Sofia's Adventure
    This sofia. Rachel's little sister. This is a book about MEEE!
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  • Polar Animals
    Ready to learn about polar animals? We will take a trip in your imagination to the Arctic and Antarctic to learn about them. And the best part is that you will be back in tim…
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  • the diver
    A diver explores the Pacific Ocean, encounters sharks and tiny fish, and dreams of diving again.
  • Wesley the Scuba Diver
    Wesley, a potential scuba diver, ignores the owner's instructions and goes to a shop. He realizes his mistake and rushes back. The owner forgives him and offers him the suit.
  • Maryam’s Story
    Maryam wakes up to her Grandma and tells her about a dream she had of her Grandpa, who was a pearl diver.
  • The Pearl
    A pearl diver finds a valuable pearl but it brings greed and tragedy. He learns the importance of gratitude and that money can't buy happiness.
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