Dog Teacher Books

  • I Am
    A collection of short rhymes introducing various animals, objects, and professions, each with a brief description.
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  • Our First Story Book of Animals 我们的第一本动物故事书 by Dr. Foster
    This is a book for young children and for Mandarin learners. Join Barrack as he considers, with the help of a friend, what kind of animal he wants for a pet.
    by ge23
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  • Bubbles Big Surprise
    Bubbles the white friendly rabbit was enjoying life in Hawaii with Ms. Hinds and their many adventures together. His wish for a forever home had come true. He didn't think th…
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  • The Land of Lego Stories
    This collection of stories revolves around children's adventures in various settings such as a museum, an abandoned house, and space. The narratives are filled with suspense,…
  • Pepper And Freddy
    Pepper and Freddy, two dogs, start dog school but face challenges with a new dog and getting lost in the woods.
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  • The Crazy Quarantine
    First graders wrote about their experience with being quarantined due to Covid 19.
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  • The Virtual Hero
    Ellie's first day of online school is marred by embarrassment, but a classmate's kind words help her embrace her unique home and spread kindness.
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  • The Wonderful Women of Hingham
    This book is a collection of stories about influential women in Hingham, written by Girl Scout Troop 62447. It highlights the contributions of various women, from school nurs…
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