Dojo Books

  • Tyrone The Ninja
    A skilled ninja named Tyrone goes on a mission to rescue his missing sensei and faces various challenges along the way.
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  • The Night of the Ninjas
    This is a book for ages 8-12 because this a book of action and I want people that understand this book, enjoy it. Thank You.
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  • The Kids best babysitter EVER
    This book is about 3 children who go to the dojo and you will find out more if you watch the part 2 on June 18
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  • Dojo of Respect
    Sullivan is excited to start karate and discovers that his sensei is an old man named Daniel, who teaches him the importance of respect.
  • The ninja
    James, a little boy, goes to training and saves his master from a mummy in the desert. He is rewarded with a sacred sword.
  • The battle for the Magic Shield
    Flame-Thrower, a powerful dragon, protects a magic shield on Volcano Mountain from Crab-monster and his metal robot army.
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  • Snicker's Great Pizza Adventure From the creative minds of McKenna, Denver, and Eli Kosobucki
    Fun fictional story for anyone who loves the silliness of cats.
  • Wizards, Magic, and Ninjas
    A tale of a Ninja Wizard who faces aliens and robots in a battle to save the city.
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