Domestication Books

  • Cats
    A comparison between wild and domestic cats, highlighting their similarities and differences in behavior, diet, and physical characteristics.
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  • The Origins of Fluffy
    The story explains the origins of domestic cats, their relationship with humans, and the process of natural selection. It also includes fun facts about cats.
  • Evolution of cats
    A brief overview of the evolution, domestication, and diversification of cats.
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    A brief history of how humans domesticated animals and their role in modern society.
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  • Domesticated
    the domestication of dogs. How dogs evolved from wild wolves to man's best friend.
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  • All about Guinea Pigs
    If you are going to get a guinea pig this is the book for you
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  • The History of Dogs on Earth
    This book explores the evolution of dogs, from their fox-like ancestors to the domesticated pets we know today. It covers various species and their characteristics, as well a…
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  • Cats
    This is a non fiction that me and friend made. I hope all enjoy it and I bet cat lovers and people who love projects will like this book.
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