Dress-up Books

  • When I Grow Up
    Myles explores different professions through dress-up, but ultimately realizes being a child is easier than being a grown-up.
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  • The Hero of the Party
    Violet, a girl who loves dressing up as ninjas and pirates, faces criticism from her friends for wanting to be a superhero. With her mom's support, she attends a dress-up par…
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  • My Aunt Loves Me So
    My niece will be born very soon, I wanted to surprise my bother and his wife with this book I have created for her! I hope it will be something that she can keep forever, and…
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  • Jack and Felix Home Alone
    Jack and Felix love living with their pets, but today is a special day. They get to be home alone!
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  • Claire Says
    Claire, Sean, and Becca learn the importance of sharing while playing dress-up at preschool.
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  • Payton Learns About Diabetes!
    Payton is a young girl who is diagnosed with Diabetes. Her mother and doctor help to teach her about her condition. This is an educational book for children who are diagnosed…
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  • Horse Comics: Book #8 Starring: Princess
    Princess is 'great' at dressing up! What do you think she will wear?
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  • Dress-up Day
    Josh loves dress-up and prepares for a dress-up day at school. He wears his superhero costume and has a great time.
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