Duties Books

  • The Little Prince
    Not being spoiled and doing your duties especially when no one is around.
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  • Christmas In Vegas
    Santa goes to Las Vegas, loses all his money and ends up working in a pizzeria. Mrs. Claus comes to rescue him while Sparky the elf takes over Santa's duties at the North Pol…
    Eye Icon 649
    Star Icon 81
  • The Sun and Moon
    A tale of forbidden love between the Sun King and Moon Queen, cursed to rule the skies apart. Mother Nature finds a way for them to be together during storms.
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    Star Icon 844
  • The Call of Duty
    Alex embarks on a mission to find a dangerous fight. Along the way, he encounters a kidnapped girl and a corrupt policeman. With the help of his friend, they rescue the girl …
  • Duty
    A young tutor reflects on her job, financial situation, and sense of duty towards her family.
  • COD Games
    A brief overview of the Call of Duty game series, highlighting different time periods and characters.
    Eye Icon 781
    Star Icon 24
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