Dwarfs Books

  • Roses Red, Roses White
    This is a reimagined tale of Snow White, where the Wicked Witch is her mother who turns into a witch to protect her. The story revolves around a rose named Snow White, a dwar…
    Eye Icon 12247
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  • The Mysterious Secrets of the Universe
    Inferno and his swamp monster companion embark on an exciting adventure through outer space. They encounter various celestial bodies, face dangers, and meet new characters. T…
    Eye Icon 1889
    Star Icon 69
  • The Great Solar System Adventure! An Original Shammy Story
    Join Shammy the leprechaun and his two human friends Pila and Dimo as they take a journey throughout our solar system and see and learn interesting and cool facts. A fictiona…
    Eye Icon 34195
    Star Icon 1532
  • All About Stars
    A basic introduction to the life cycle of stars, including different types and their characteristics.
    Eye Icon 242
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  • MasterChef - Dwarfs edition
    A collection of recipes for various dishes, including chocolate salami, meatballs, apple pie, and more.
  • Life Cycle of a Star
    The story follows the life cycle of a massive star, from its formation as a stellar nebula to its transformation into a black hole.
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  • Rainbow dwarf
    A rainbow dwarf loses the colors of his house in the rain and goes on a journey to find new ones with the help of a bee.
    Eye Icon 60
    Anthemis, a Titan who becomes a dwarf and then a mermaid, goes on a journey to find her true form. Along the way, she encounters a genie, becomes a human, and eventually tran…
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